2009 IES annual report
Abstract of the results of research
Department of Radioecology
- Validation of an Environmental Transfer and Dose Assessment Model for Radionuclides Released from the Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant in Rokkasho
- Development of the Advanced Environmental Transfer and Dose Assessment Model for Radionuclides Released from the Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant in Rokkasho
- Transfer Rate of Radionuclides between Chemical Species in Sea Water, and Their Incorporation into Phytoplankton
- Effect of Fertilizer and Soil Amendments on Extraction Yields and Soil-to-Plant Transfer Factor of I and Cs Added to Soil
- Behavior of Trace Elements on Leaf Surfaces of Crop Plants
- Evaluation of Natural Radiation Dose of People in Aomori Prefecture and Forest Ecosystem in Rokkasho
- Research on Element-accumulating Capacity of Plants
Department of Environmental Simulation
- A Model for Carbon Transfer from the Atmosphere to Crops
- Study on the Transfer of Carbon from Grass to Beef and Milk
- Study on Carbon Metabolism in the Human Body
- Study on Construction of a Wetland Ecosystem and Carbon Transfer in the Closed Geosphere Experiment Facility
- Study on Carbon Transfer in a Seagrass Ecosystem
- Study on Tritium Transfer in Marine Animals
- Carbon Transfer in Agricultural Soil containing Plant Biomass
- Study on Carbon Transfer Accompanied with Composting Rice Straws
Department of Radiobiology
- Transgenerational Effects in Mice Exposed to Continuous Low-Dose-Rate Gamma-Rays - Pathological Study -
- Transgenerational Effects in Mice Exposed to Continuous Low-Dose-Rate Gamma-Rays - Genome Wide Detection of Germ Cell Mutation -
- Analysis of Splenic Lymphocyte Subsets in Mice after Continuous Irradiation with Low-Dose-Rate Gamma-Rays
- Proportions of T Cell Subsets and Proliferative Responses of T Cells in the Spleen of Mice Continuously Irradiated with Low-Dose-Rate Gamma-Rays
- Transplantability of Tumor Cells to Syngeneic B6C3F1 Mice Continuously Irradiated with Low-Dose-Rate Gamma-Rays
- Factors Related to Increase in Body Weights of B6C3F1 Female Mice Continuously Irradiated with Low-Dose-Rate Gamma-Rays
- Analysis of Gene Expression and DNA Copy Number in Malignant Lymphomas Developed from Mice Continuously Exposed to Low-Dose-Rate Gamma-Rays
- Differences of Leukemic Stem Cells of Acute Myeloid Leukemias Induced by High-Dose-Rate and Low-Dose-Rate Gamma-ray Irradiations
- Gene Expression Changes of Splenic Lymphocytes from Mice Continuously Irradiated with Low-Dose-Rate or Medium-Dose-Rate Gamma-Rays
- Frequencies of Chromosomal Translocation and Clone in Splenocytes from Mice Continuously Irradiated with Low-Dose-Rate Gamma-Rays